Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Food Bag is Empty

Um, Mom....

I think we have a problem...

There's nothing in this bag.

Help feed the kitties! If you love these kittens and our photo/word creativity, please consider buying some of their products from or donating to help us care for them using the button at the right -->

Thank you!


Fashion Schlub said...

aww, poor sad hungry kitty. this pic series reminds that I dreamt last night about having a small stray dog living in the back of my station wagon and I couldn't get him to eat anything....sometimes he'd look dead and other times he'd be bouncing around the back playing. weird.

Z-ville said...

Go figure. . . we buy them expensive cat toys to play with, and they choose an empty bag instead! I bought a little mouse on a stick toy for my little girl, and she chooses to play with a tiny strip of shredded paper!

Jai Johnson • JaiArt.Com said...

Oh what a strange dream Bettye! How is Caleb doing, BTW? And Fran...he wasn't playing with the bag...he's looking for food - seriously!

tr3nta said...

MMMMmmmmmm.... tastes good... :-)