Tuesday, July 29, 2008

#26 Happy Valentine's Day from Oreo the Kitten

Okay, I know it's early for Valentine's Day, but remember, I'm making greeting cards using my photos, so I have to think way ahead for holidays! Today was photo shoot day with the kittens, since I was home from work. To do these kinds of photographs, it takes two people. Allyson positions them and captures their attention while I lay on the ground in every imaginable strange, uncomfortable, and sometimes painful position to get "just the right shot". Keep in mind, these are WILD kittens. They do let us handle them a bit, but they still don't come to us on their own, and when we catch them, they always want to run back to Momma and the litter mates. So here I am, in 101 degree weather, laying on the ground to get the perfect photos of our little fluffballs. We started our photo shoot with Oreo - she's the easiest, and she is super photogenic. Isn't she sweet in this little wicker Valentine's basket? She'd only jumped out 50+ times before I got this photo! But I do believe it was worth it, don't you? :)

I also got Halloween and Christmas photos with both Oreo and Rowdy, too. We attempted to photo Niko. Um...NOT happy. He gave a totally sour look
the brief 3 seconds he was in the basket. Then he ran to the step and when Allyson tried to go get him, he told her just what he thought:

P.S. Pick up Oreo's valentine cards here.


Iris said...

Well, Oreo looks pretty laid back to be wild - great photo.

Fashion Schlub said...

jai, you're making me want a kitten. can't you move on to, like, recumbent bicycles?? i have some degree of willpower against them....

Admin said...

Oh, I found a pets lover's blog, nice to meet you, your cat so lovely!